LIGHT-BO Customized LED Display Module with Capacitive Touch Switch !

Customized 7 Segment LED Display Module
Package dimensions : 105*50*10mm
Common Cathode
LED colour: Ultra bright white
X / Y;0.29-0.31
Luminous intensity:100-120 mcd
Forward voltage: 2.8-3.3V/ led
Forward current:5-15mA/led
Made with yellow segments black face with capacitive touch switch to connect with Electronic board, Easy operation .

Capacitive touch switch iswidely used in household appliances,automobiles and other fields .
You can patch LED,resistorrelated components ,integrated with PMMApanel, glass panel and IMD injectionpanel .
Min width 0.15mm,min distance0.15mm,basic material:PET,the diffusion film is printed with conductivetransparent oil,conductive silver paste, and ITO film etched .